
We want our clients nice and relaxed when it comes to their ​tax and accounting matters. We keep you informed, ​prepared and compliant with reminders of your most ​important requirements.

Personal Tax Returns

Why not let a professional handle your ​taxes and spend the time on something ​you actually like?
If tax season makes you break out in a cold sweat, it’s time for a ​change. Here, we guide you, each step of the way. Selling a ​property? Do you earn income other than a salary? Did you cash in ​a portion of a unit trust investment? Talk to us about the tax ​implications of significant financial events in your life.

Benefits of using our professional tax services:

  • Tax assessment and tax optimisation.
  • Be informed of any outstanding returns and ​penalties on your account.
  • Include all your deductible expenses (Independent ​contractors, sole proprietors).
  • Assistance with your provisional tax to avoid ​unnecessary penalties and interest.
  • A single fixed fee for tax return filing.


SARS reviews/audits

Assistance with SARS reviews and audits.

Applications for remission of penalties on late ​submissions.

Business Tax Returns

Tax returns for registered Companies, ​Close Corporations.
A corporate tax return (ITR14) is due within 12 ​months of the financial year end of the Company ​or Close Corporation.

A tax return is prepared from the information ​contained in the Financial Statements of the ​business.

Have you neglected your registered Company or ​Close Corporation tax returns?

SARS may have issued penalties for your ​outstanding returns, despite the company being ​dormant.

Many business owners don’t know about ​these penalties as they have not been appointed ​as registered representatives of the entity.

​Contact us today to resolve your backlog of taxes.

Financial Statements

Companies - registered at the CIPC - must prepare ​and sign off on their financial statements within 6 ​months of the end of their financial year. (8 months ​for a Close Corporation).

Don’t wait until you need a bank loan. We can ​schedule your year-ending process and reports so ​you don’t miss a deadline.

Don't forget to include the following deductible expenses:

  • Interest paid on instalment sale agreements
  • Depreciation on assets
  • Bad debts written off

Essential compliance

Get up to date on all ​your small business ​compliance
  • Annual Returns
  • Beneficial Ownership Filing
  • VAT returns
  • VAT registration
  • Payroll
  • Company registrations
  • CIPC changes
  • Bookkeeping support
  • Xero training
  • Sage Business Cloud Accounting training
  • Turnover tax

Take back your time.
Sort out your taxes.

Our location
We operate from a ​virtual office.

Cape Town
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