We want to help you to better understand your accounting ​and tax. While you apply your creativity to running your ​business, we think of ways to improve your accounting ​system and plan your compliance deadlines.


Eben Genis (founder) is a registered ​accountant and tax practitioner. In his side-​hussle as a creative consultant and ​performer he experienced how daunting tax ​returns and financial reports could be for ​creatively minded people.

This inspired him ​to create a virtual space for entrepreneurs to ​learn about tax and accounting, technology ​and to help them feel in control of their ​compliance matters.


Xilium started as a way to help creatives ​and non-financial minded individuals

Get over their fear of tax, introduce them ​to the advances in tech that make ​bookkeeping and financial administration easier and ​give them a safe space to ask questions ​they may, as successful business owners, ​have been too embarrassed to ask.

As an entrepreneur, creator or gig-​hopping freelancer you do what you do ​best! We take the financial admin off of ​your hands. But we also believe you ​shouldn’t be left in the dark when it comes ​to important figures concerning your ​business and livelihood. We teach you ​how to make sense of them.

Where to find us

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Welcome to an office that is fully digital and ​online.
If you prefer to meet for a coffee we ​can do so on video call or your preferred ​Cape Town coffee shop.

Xilium operates virtually from an office in ​Pinehurst, Cape Town. Visits by appointment ​only.

Take back your time.
Sort out your taxes.

Our location
We operate from a ​virtual office.

Cape Town
Copyright ©
Website developed and managed by
Cetaya Digital